Sunday 19 October 2014

Dirty Rosewood

Last week I part-exchanged a custom Collodi crew I had made up for a large Rasputina and Marcus crew  selection, a great deal on my part and I'm undoubtedly going to have loads of fun playing around with the bits in the future, One of my acquisitions was the Wendigo's victim, who was part way through being converted into a gunsmith, he was painted in bright, lurid colours to distinguish him from the guild guards, but when I looked at him I was reminded of one of my favourite childhood films, 'Zorro- The Gay Blade', a film I genuinely loved, (I'm a huge zorro fan) despite it's incredibly bizarre plot (that I didn't really get as a small child) I adored Ramon Vega and his outlandish and exuberant costumes. The gunsmith was so brightly coloured that he inspired me to paint him as a Malifaux version of the gay blade, and whilst watching Beverly Hills cop 2, my wife supplied the perfect name- Dirty Rosewood, the best dressed Gunsmith this side of the breach! His Rattler skin coat, blue suede shoes, silk waistcoat and individually tailored trousers mark him out from the crowd, but it is his skill with his custom pistols that brought him to the attention of the Arcanists.

Next I'll be giving a december acolyte a try, as well as trying to catch up on my cult of yurei:)

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